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A member registered Feb 11, 2020

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wow that was really cool

give karl his milk back

what program am i supposed to run this on? every time i run the file it  just says i dont have an app to run it.

k never mind i got a new computer and its fine


is this getting fixed somehow?


like the thing i use to open it?

(1 edit)

so the first time i launched  the game it worked fine but as soon as i tried the second time it wouldn't load properly   

no there just dumb

shut up please no one cares

(1 edit)

ok the concept is cool and definitely a good game. but i'm gonna say one thing, the parts were you have to shoot the barrel and it launches you up SUCK. its so difficult to get to the one spot where it pushes you up just enough to get you somewhere. this is the one thing i dislike about this game, other than that its very good

that doesn't work, it's probably just my computer 

it keeps saying DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine 

where can i find manual download?

this is amazing

Ok this is a dumb question but what screen recorder are you using